Strawberry Pie Shawl Knitting Free Pattern

An eyelet shawl with lace edging mostly with mindless stockinette as you go. “This makes a deep-crescent-shaped shawl that comes out as wide around at the bottom as a circle but is knit back and forth like a half circle, starting from the neck: so that when you wear it, it’s hanging straight down from the neck, not doubled over like a full circle would be. All your work shows, rather than being concealed in a doubled-over jumble (my prejudice on circular shawls.)” – from Alison’s Website. Laceweight yarn is used doubled in this pattern. We would love to invite you to join our Pinterest Group for the latest and be sure to follow our Knitting Page, too. Pattern in English.

Strawberry Pie Shawl knitting Free Pattern - Women #Shawl; Free #Knitting; Patterns

Image: WoolEnough; and Free Pattern: SpinDyeKnit

Originally posted 2020-03-20 11:00:40.